ASIN Patent | Page 3

Method of amplification of nucleic acids | USPTO 6,737,253

The present invention relates to a metho
of interest when a region of the nucleot
may be utilised in sequencing protocols,
and may provide advantages over current 
d of amplifying a nucleotide sequence 
ide sequence is known. The method 
 particularly in genome sequencing, 
sequencing techniques. 
The present invention may be used for pr
using primers selected from a relatively
approach can be used with many different
for automation. 
imer walking on an amplifiable template 
 small presynthesized library. This 
 sequencing chemistries and is suitable 
In order that the present invention may 
forms will be described in the following
anying drawings. 
be more clearly understood, preferred 
 examples with reference to the accomp-
Although the observation appears to have
shown that successful PCR can be perform
the template over the final 8 to 11 bp (
nucleotide matches the template for 8 or
act as a PCR primer. 
 been little appreciated, it has been 
ed with primers that only anneal to 
23). In other words, provided an oligo-
 more bases at its 3' end, it can 
A complete octamer primer library which 
(of which at least eight bases were know
a complete nonamer primer library would 
reduction of such a library set would st
The present invention allows the number 
a library which may be used to amplify a
sequence is known) to be greatly reduced
could be used to amplify any template 
n) would contain 65.536 primers, while 
contain 262.144 primers. Even a 90% 
ill leave this library cumbersome. 
of primers in a complete library i.e. 
ny template (of which at least some 
 by careful primer design. 
In accordance with this invention, using
the specificity of, for example, a non-d
be obtained from a much smaller degenera
below. A schematic diagram of an example
ted in FIG. 1 and describes the amplific
of interest of which 9 bases (divided in
known region") are known. 
 a two-step amplification procedure, 
egenerate nonamer primer library can 
te nonamer primer library described 
 of the two-step procedure is illustra-
ation of a template nucleotide sequence 
to a "first known region" and a "second 
The invention requires the addition of a
As shown in the example, each primer in 
partially degenerate (by introducing all
7, 8, and 9 (from the 3' end)), the requ
Thus, the "nonamer" primer library can b
each primer including 3 degenerate posit
Although this reduces the number of prim
transforms the nonamer primer library in
members, and hence greatly reduces the a
from this library may be prone to mispri
on average, every 4 Kb of template, as c
nonamer primer. 
 5' tag sequence to the nonamer primer. 
the nonamer primer library is made 
 four bases at, for example, positions 
ired library can be reduced 64-fold. 
e constructed from only 4096 primers, 
ions 7 to 9 bases from its 3' end. 
ers required, it also effectively 
to a hexamer primer library of 4096 
mplification specificity. Primers 
ming as annealing sites would exist, 
ompared to every 262 Kb for a true 
A 5' tagged degenerate nonamer primer is
it will anneal to 6 bases (the "second k
9 known bases of template. As the degene
mixture of 64 related primers, amplifica
will potentially result in a mixture of 
product may be a minor component. 
 selected from the library, such that 
nown region") at the 3' end of the 
rate nonamer primer is actually a 
tion using this degenerate primer 
different products, of which the desired 
The desired product can then be selectiv
use of a second primer. This second prim
library which may include (as shown for 
which each primer contains the same 5' t
first library (or a sequence which will 
of the 5' tag sequence of the primers in
64 possible combinations of 3 nucleotide
is selected from this 64-member library 
of its combination of 3 nucleotides (at 
5' to the 6 bases of template utilised t
known region") (FIG. 2). Since non-desir
plate mismatches in the 3 nucleotides (a
will be selectively amplified from the p
ely amplified from this mix by the 
er is selected from a second primer 
example in FIG. 2) 64-members, in 
ag sequence as the primers in the 
hybridise to the complementary strand 
 the first library), and one of the 
s at its 3' end. The second primer 
on the basis of the complementarity 
the 3' end) to the 3 bases residing 
o select the first primer (the "first 
ed products will contain 3' primer-tem-
s shown in FIG. 2), the desired product 
roduct mix. 
A reverse primer is, of course, required
nced is from a cloned library, for examp
primer can be used. The resultant PCR pr
5' tag sequence: the "known" 9 bp sequen
Thus, as indicated above, the specificit
primer library can be obtained using a c
ate (hexamer) first primer library and a
The product of the two PCRs can, of cour
chemistry. Primer walking can be perform
primer library by selecting the appropri
a 3' match with the template at the desi
The sequence of the region flanking the 
can then be obtained using either (a) th
primer, as a primer. This process can be
ation to select a new primer from the 5'
entire sequence of the nucleotide sequen
. However, if the template to be seque-
le, a common vector-specific reverse 
oduct will contain, 5' to 3', the 
ce: and the flanking unknown sequence. 
y of, for example, a true nonamer 
ombination of a vastly smaller degener-
 second, 64-member primer library. 
se, be sequenced by any known sequence 
ed using a 5' tagged octamer or nonamer 
ate primer (ie. the primer which has 
red location) and performing a PCR. 
"known" sequence described above, 
e 5' tag alone, or (b) the second 
 repeated by using the sequence inform-
 tagged primer library, until the 
ce of interest is determined. 
A number of adaptations/modifications of
contemplated. For example, first, the pr
two separate amplification reactions, or
all three primers in one reaction but re
(degenerate) primer 10 to 100-fold. In t
is maintained as the early exhaustion of
that amplification in the later stages i
5' tagged primer. 
 the procedure outlined above are 
ocedure can be performed as either 
 as a one-step procedure by including 
ducing the concentration of the first 
his way, amplification specificity 
 the first 5' tagged primer ensures 
s predominantly due to the second 
Further, it is possible to perform the a
and second primers i.e. without a conven
be possible to use this approach as a me
reactions by selecting two sets of prime
primers specifically for each template (
minimum number of bases were known at ea
mplification with two sets of first 
tional reverse primer. It may therefore, 
ans to perform general amplification 
rs, thus avoiding the need to synthesise 
provided, of course, the required 
ch end of the desired product). 
The first (degenerate) primer library ha
nonamer primer library but, of course, n
and may be, for example, octamers or dec
primer. The length of the primer require
entation by the skilled addressee. Equal
not have to be based on trimers, as exem
for example, be based on doublets or fou
primer. Again, the length of the primer 
by the skilled addressee by simple exper
first (degenerate) primer library can he
nonamer primer library could be reduced 
400 primers by omission of 90% of the 40
s been exemplified as a 5' tagged 
eed not necessarily be based on nonamers 
amers or any other useful length of 
d can be established by simple experim-
ly, the second primer library does 
plified above, but could instead, 
rmers or any other useful length of 
required can be easily ascertained 
imentation. Further, the size of the 
 reduced. For example, a degenerate 
from 4096 primers to approximately 
96 primers. 
Any template which is amplifiable can be
genomic DNA, plasmid clones, cDNA, etc. 
 used in this invention including 
It would also be possible, although more
a nucleotide sequence of interest, using
contain a common 5' tag sequence (eg. th
all possible 8 or 9 bp 3' ends to amplif
of interest of which, for example, at le
In this method, a second primer as descr
when the nucleotide sequence of interest
primer may be designed based on the vect
otide sequence of interest. 
 cumbersome, to amplify and sequence 
 a library of primers which simply 
e M13 reverse primer) and, for example, 
y any desired nucleotide sequence 
ast 8 or 9 bp are known, respectively. 
ibed above is not required. Again, 
 is included in a vector, a reverse 
or sequence at the 3' end of the nucle-
This amplification-based primer walking 
over other primer-library, or hexamer-li
approach can avoid problems associated w
tion as the walking amplification can be
ture after the first cycle, that is, onc
to the template for the first time, the 
ent cycles, both the 5' tag sequence plu
other words, the 5' tagged primer only h
fication reaction to proceed. Thus, if t
poorly, because of secondary structure c
ensures efficient amplification. Secondl
can be used as the same common 5' tag se
cation product. Thirdly, labelled sequen
this approach compatible with all sequen
complex enzymatic steps required for oth
SPEL-6 hexamer libation approach, can be
approach may have a number of advantages 
gation based, approaches. First, this 
ith template secondary structure forma-
 performed at a high annealing tempera-
e the 5' tagged primer has annealed 
annealing site becomes, on the subsequ-
s the original 8 or 9 bp site. In 
as to "catch" once to enable the ampli-
he original 5' tagged primer anneals 
onstraints, the primer 5' tag sequence 
y, standard sequencing conditions 
quence is introduced into each amplifi-
cing primers may be used, thus making 
cing chemistries (eg. Licor). Fourthly, 
er sequencing technologies, such as 