General Information
Tech Dragon Limited is a Hong Kong based company founded in 1999. Tech Dragon serves academic institutions, government departments, research institutions, as well as pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in Hong Kong and worldwide.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3730xl
DNA Sequencing Prices
No information
DNA Template Requirements
- 5 – 10 µg
PCR products
- 25 – 50 µl | 200 – 400 mg gel slice
10 pmole/µl
Other information
Services include DNA sequencing, oligosynthesis, genomic services, equipments and consumables.
Sequencing turn-around time
24-48 hours
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Not mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
Primer Walking
GeneScan / Microsatellite analysis
Real-Time PCR service
Contact Information
Tech Dragon Limited
Room 808
Topsail Plaza
11 On Sum Street
Shatin, N.T.
Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2646 5368
Fax: (852) 2646 5037
Tech Dragon Limited provides long read length up to 1,000 bases (they could do better if they used the best software). The company provides genomic services, contract research, and consultancy. Contract research includes gene expression, mutation analysis, bacterial / fungal / viral identification. It also provides service for difficult template sequencing.