General Information
The genomics facility of The Central Service for Experimental Research (SCSIE) provides genomics services to the University of Valencia’s researchers, as well as to researchers in other public research bodies or companies.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3730
- Applied Biosystems 3730xl
- Applied Biosystems Solid 5500XL
- Roche 454 GS Junior
DNA Sequencing Prices
- DNA marking and sequencing | 8 euro / sequence
- Sequencing of marked samples | 2.50 euro / sample
- Sequencing of 96 well-plate marked samples | 90 euro / plaque
- DNA marking and sequencing | 15 euro / sequence
- Sequencing of marked samples | 3.20 euro / sample
- Sequencing of 96 well-plate marked samples | 120 euro / plaque
DNA Template Requirements
- 50 ng/µl
PCR products
- 10 ng/µl
- 5 µM
Other information
The facility offers universal primers for vectors free of cost.
Sequencing turn-around time
Within 5 days
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Not mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Library Preparation
- Genotyping
- Quantitative PCR
- Bacterial ribotyping
- Identification of GMOs
- Bioinformatics
Contact Information
Central Service for Experimental Research
Edifici de Investigació
Dr Moliner, 50
46100 Burjassot – Valencia
Phone: 963 543 301
Fax: 963 543 411
Read lengths over 800 bp from high-quality DNA template. The facility view, edit and evaluate the quality of the results. Determine the concentration of the samples, if not done by the user. The unused templates will be preserved for four weeks.