General Information
The DNA Sequencing Facility at University of Pennsylvania is an Abramson Cancer Center Shared Resource that is approved and partially funded by the National Cancer Institute.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- ABI 3730
- ABI 3130XL
- Roche 454FLX
- Ion Torrent
DNA Sequencing Prices
- SOM, Cancer Center, PGFI members | $6.50 per reaction
- Other Penn, CHOP, Wistar | $7.20 per reaction
- Off Campus (non-profit) | $9.00 per reaction
Ready to Load (full plate)
- SOM, Cancer Center, PGFI members | $120
- Other Penn, CHOP, Wistar | $132
- Off Campus (non-profit) | $145
Sample Requirements
PCR Product
- (0.1-1 Kb; 10 ng per 100 bp) | 1.6 – 16 ng/µl x 6 µl
- (2-15 Kb; 0.5 µg) | 80 ng/µl x 6 µl
- (20-100 Kb; 1.0 µg) | 110 ng/µl x 9 µl
- (200 Kb; 1 – 2.0 µg) | 220 ng/µl x 9 µl
- PCR product and Plasmid | 3.2 pmoles
- Phage/Cosmid/P1/BAC |12 pmoles
The standard primers are provided by the Facility at no charge.
Other information
All primers used at the facility are used at a 1.1µM concentration (except Bacteria 1.5µM). Template specific primers can also be designed and ordered through the Facility for an additional charge.
Sequencing Turn Around Times
24 hours
International orders
No information
GLP DNA sequencing
Not mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- High Throughput Sequencing from 96-well Plates
- Sequencing Projects (Primer Walk)
- Pyrosequencing on Roche 454FLX
- Ion Semiconductor Sequencing on Ion Torrent
- Genotyping and Fragment Analysis
Contact Information
DNA Sequencing Facility
University of Pennsylvania
3700 Hamilton Walk, B1 Richards Bldg
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: +1 215 573 7407
Fax: +1 215 573 9327
In some cases, samples are re-sequenced at no extra cost. The Penn Molecular Profiling Group offers a number of excellent desktop sequencing analysis options for very reasonable licensing fees.
They are shutting down the sanger sequencing service
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