General information
Established in 1989, Sequetech offers a range of DNA sequencing services suited to small and medium scale users. Sequetech has developed proprietary chemistries for successful sequencing of high GC content templates, shRNA and siRNA clones, and other hard stops. Based in Mountain View, California.
Sequencing instruments used
ABI 3730xl
Single samples
Contact for pricing
High volume
Contact for pricing
Sample requirements
100 ng/µl | 500 ng minimum
PCR products
10 ng/µl | 50 ng minimum
2 pmol/µl | 5 µl minimum
Over 300 universal primers provided. Sequetech will synthesize routinely used primers free of charge.
Offers a publication quality sequencing service where both strands are sequenced independently and primer walking reaction performed to close any sequence gaps. Turnaround time for this service depends on the size of the region to be sequenced. Sequencing is typically completed at a rate of about 1.5 kb per week.
Sample turn around time
18 to 24 hours
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Single Strand Contig Sequencing
- Variance Reporting
- Primer Walking
- Colony to Sequence Service (RCA)
- BDX Proprietary chemistry for GC rich regions or hard stops
- Oligonucleotide sequencing
Contact Information
Sequetech Corporation
935 Sierra Vista Ave Ste C
Mountain View, CA 94043
ph. (800) 697-8685 (toll free) | (650) 967-8685
fax. (650) 967-8542
Sequetech offers a free courier service available to pick-up and return samples within the San Francisco Bay area and a free re-run and optimization policy. An experienced company.
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