General information
TGen (Translational Genomics Research Institute) is located in Phoenix, Arizona. TGen offer a range of DNA sequencing and Genomics related services.
DNA Sequencing instruments used
DNA Sequencing prices
Low volume (single samples)
non-profit organizations | $6.00
for-profit organizations | $12.00
High volume (96 well tray)
non-profit organizations | $345.00
for-profit organizations | $690.00
Other sequencing related service prices
PCR product purification (96 samples)
non-profit organizations | $83.00
for-profit organizations | $166.00
Plasmid purification (96 samples)
non-profit organizations | $130.00
for-profit organizations | $26.00
DNA quantation (96 samples)
Partial 96 well plates are priced per single read or the full price for a plate, whichever is lower.
Sample requirements
PCR Products
100-200bp | 1-3ng
200-500bp | 3-10ng
500-1000bp | 5-20ng
1000-1000bp | 10-40ng
>2kb | 20-50ng
Single Stranded DNA
25-50ng | 10µl
Double Stranded DNA
150-300ng | 10µl
Cosmid, BAC
0.5-1.0µg | 10µl
Bacterial genomic DNA
2-3µg | 10µl
10pmol/µl | 5µl
Common primers provided. If more than two primers are supplied they should be in their own plate.
Sample turn around time
Not stated
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Single pass sequencing (plasmid and PCR) including template purification (optional)
- End sequencing
- Whole genome shotgun sequencing (draft or high-accuracy)
- Automated clone picking/arraying
Contact Information
TGen DNA Sequencing
445 N. 5th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: (602) 343-8802
email: Steve Mastrian, Assistant Director
TGen offer great prices if you are a non-profit organization. Their DNA purification costs are very reasonable. TGen will also rerun failed reaction once for free if requested – something that not many sequencing services offer.
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