General information
Genomex appears to be a trading name of Amplicon Express. Prices, services and contact details are the same as Amplicon Express.
Sequencing instruments used
Applied Biosystems 3730xl
Low volume
Plasmid and PCR products
1 – 7 runs | $12.00
8 – 95 runs | $11.00
BAC, YAC and cosmids
1 – 7 runs | $30.00
8 – 95 runs | $25.00
Ready-to-run (electrophoresis only)
1 – 7 runs | $3.95
8 – 95 runs | $3.00
Volume discounts
Plasmid and PCR products
96+ runs | $10.00
BAC, YAC and cosmids
96+ runs | $20.00.
Ready-to-run (electrophoresis only)
96+ runs | Contact for pricing
24 hour rush service
Sample requirements
50 ng/µl | 25 µl minimum
PCR products
10 ng/µl | 25 µl minimum
250 ng/µl | 25 µl minimum
250 ng/µl | 25 µl minimum
250 ng/µl | 25 µl minimum
2 pmol/µl | 10 µl minimum
Common universal primers are provided free
Sample turn around time
24 hours
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- BAC library construction
- Nylon filter arraying
- cDNA library construction
- gDNA library construction
- Microsatellite screening
- Site direct mutagenesis
- Pre synthesized libraries
Contact Information
Amplicon Express
2345 NE Hopkins Ct
Pullman, WA 99163
phone. 1 509 332-8080 (International) | 1 877 332-8080 (USA Toll Free)
fax. 1 509 332-6338
Offers a prepaid DNA sequencing service which reduces the price per reaction to $6.95 to $8.95. The Amplicon Express website has lots of useful sequencing information, but the layout does not very work well with Mac OS X web browsers like Safari which is a pity.
Update 2017. Have stopped doing Sanger DNA sequencing.
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