General Information
Secugen S.L. is a Spanish company specialized in DNA sequencing and genetic analysis. Secugen was spun out of the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC) DNA Sequencing Facility in 2005 and the staff have more than ten years of experience in DNA sequencing analysis.
Sequencing Instruments Used
2x Applied Biosystems 3730
Sequencing Prices
Ready to run (electrophoresis only)
€2.00 per sample
Full service DNA sequencing (~850 bases)
€6.00 per sample
Large scale DNA sequencing (ready to run)
48 well plate €96.00
96 well plate €192.00
Large scale full service DNA sequencing
48 well plate €270.00
96 well plate €540.00
Offer lower prices for large scale sequencing projects. Contact for pricing.
Sample requirements
ds Plasmids < 20kB
100 ng/µl | 15 µl
ds Plasmids > 20kB
200 ng/µl | 15 µl
ss Plasmids
50 – 100 ng/µl | 12 µl
PCR products
< 500 bp | 10 ng/µl | 15µl
500 – 1000 bp | 20 ng/µl | 15µl
1000 – 1500 bp | 30 ng/µl | 15µl
1500 – 2500 bp | 40 ng/µl | 15µl
2500 – 4000 bp | 50 ng/µl | 15µl
>4000 bp | 100 ng/µl | 15µl
Samples to be sequenced using client primer should have 1.5 µl primer at 5 µM in the tube with the template DNA (15 µl) at the appropriated concentration. Some universal primers are provided by Secugen for free
Sample turn around time
24 – 48 hours
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
In progress
Other DNA sequencing services offered
- PCR Product Purification
- Primer Design
- Genome sequencing
- Genotyping and SNP analysis
- Primer walking sequencing
- High G+C sequencing
- AFLP analysis
- GeneMapper
- SNP analysis
- Microsatellite analysis
- Exon sequencing
- Plasmid Direct Sequencing from Colony
- 16S rRNA sequencing
- BAC end sequencing
Contact Information
C/ Ramiro de Maeztu 9
28040 Madrid
Tel: +34 915 338 628
Fax: +34 915 338 628
Excellent prices especially Secugen’s ready to run service at only €2 is a real bargain. They have modern ABI 3730 instruments which they appear to be running using the 50cm arrays so the quality should be good. Definitely worth trying.
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