General information
Established in 2000, STAB VIDA offers a range of DNA sequencing and sequencing related services and products. STAB VIDA is based in Oeiras, Portugal.
Sequencing instruments used
- Applied Biosystems 3730xl
- Illumina HiSeq2000
- Life Tech Ion Torrent (PGM)
Sequencing prices
Ready to run (electrophoresis only)
From €3.45 per reaction
Full service DNA sequencing
From €4.75 per reaction
DNA Sequencing Small Projects
Both strands are independently sequenced. Templates up to 20 Kb.
€80 per Kb | one read per strand
€130 per Kb | two reads per strand
Sample can be supplied as blood, tissue or DNA.
Failed reactions
First repeat DNA sequencing reaction is free.
Genotyping Service
STR analysis
From €13.95 per reaction
AFLP analysis
From €18.75 per reaction
Ready to run (electrophoresis only)
From €3.95 per reaction
Additional services
PCR amplification
From €2.95 per sample
PCR product purification
From €2.95 per sample
Oligonucleotide synthesis
From €0.35 per base
Sample requirements
min 100 ng/µl | 15 µl total
Please provide a gel photo of your DNA template if available.
PCR products
min 30 – 50 ng/µl | 15 µl total
Please provide a gel photo of your DNA template if available.
10 pmol/µl | 5 µl minimum
Sample turn around time
24 hours
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- DNA/RNA-Oligonucleotide Synthesis
- PCR Product Purification
- Primer Design
- PCR amplification
- DNA sequence alignment (free)
- Sample storage
Contact Information
STAB VIDA Sequencing Service – Mail address
Apartado 89, Sto António de Oeiras
2781-601 Oeiras
STAB VIDA Sequencing Service – Courier address
Estação Agronómica Nacional
Edificio ITQB, Lab. 7.11
Av. República
2780 Oeiras
Tel: +351 21 446 97 65 or +351 21 446 97 47
Fax: +351 21 446 97 40
STAB VIDA are quite reasonably priced for an European DNA sequencing service provider. From personal experience their support staff are friendly and helpful.
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