General information
University of Michigan DNA Sequencing Core provide DNA and related sequencing services. The facility recently acquired an Illumina BeadStation to provide high throughput SNP genotyping services.
Sequencing instruments used
2x Applied Biosystems 3730 and 1x ABI 3700
Single Sample
University of Michigan customers | $3.00
External customers | $3.87
96 Well Trays
University of Michigan customers | $2.40 per lane
External customers | $3.23 per lane
Discounts of 50% are available to certain University groups. Addition discounts of 25 – 50% are available for large scale sequencing projects.
Sample requirements
PCR product
30ng per kb of product + 10 pmol primer | 10 µl
Plasmid ssDNA
250ng + 10pmol primer | 10 µl
Plasmid dsDNA
500ng + 10pmol primer | 10 µl
BACs, Cosmids and Genomic DNA
10µg + 10pmol primer | 10 µl
All sample should be supplied in distilled water.
Sample turn around time
24 – 48 hours
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- High volume sequencing
- Illumina SNP analysis
Contact Information
University of Michigan DNA Sequencing Core
2568 MSRB II SPC 5674
1150 W. Medical Center Dr.
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5674
ph. 764 8531
The University of Michigan DNA Sequencing Core has a good DNA troubleshooting guide and a lot of helpful advice. Their prices are competitive, especially for internal customers.
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