General Information
The Rhode Island Genomics and Sequencing Center (RIGSC) was established to provide technical and analytical support for molecular biology and genomics research at the University of Rhode Island. The mission of the RIGSC is to facilitate interdisciplinary genomics research and undergraduate and graduate student training opportunities by providing researchers access to cutting-edge technologies in the field of genomics.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- ABI 3500xl
- ABI 3130xl
DNA Sequencing Prices
- $3.90 per sample template for Internal Academic Users.
- $11.76 per sample template for External Academic Users
DNA Template Requirements
- Plasmids: 300-500 ng DNA per reaction
PCR products
- PCR products: 2.5 ng DNA per 100 bases per reaction
- 5 pmol per reaction (Note: 5 pmol = 2.0 µl of a 2.5 µM stock)
Other information
- Routinely produce high quality sequence that extend from 800 to 1,000 bases.
- All sequence data will be examined for quality and content. Please note that sequence data are not trimmed or edited.
Sequencing Turn Around Times
- Not Listed.
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
The RIGSC offers services in robotic sample preparation, DNA library preparation, Next Generation DNA sequencing , fragment analysis, quantitative PCR and identification of microbial species and phenotypes.
Contact Information
Rhode Island Genomics and Sequencing Center
352 CBLS Bldg., 120 Flagg Rd.
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881
Ph: (401) 874-5919
The RIGSC website offers a variety of guidelines and protocols for submitting samples and how to improve template quality. This is a cost effective facility for sequencing if you are an affiliate of Rhode Island University, however if you are an external client you will be paying an additional $7.86.