General Information
CeMIA SA is a spinoff company from the Department of Immunology & Histocompatibility, Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Greece.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3730xl
- Ion torrent
DNA Sequencing Prices
No information
DNA Template Requirements
- 100 ng/µl | 10 µl
- BACs, Cosmids | 500 ng/µl | 10 µl
- Plasmid premixed with primers | plasmid 20 ng/µl | 15 µl
PCR products
- 100-300 bp | 5-10 ng/µl | 10 µl
- 300-1000 bp | 10-20 ng/µl | 10 µl
- 1000 bp | 20-50 ng/µl | 10 µl
PCR products premixed with primers
- 100-300 bp | 1-2 ng/µl | 15 µl
- 300-1000 bp | 2-5 ng/µl | 15 µl
- 1000 bp | 5-10 ng/µl | 15 µl
- Concentration: 5 pmol/µl.
- (Primer premixed with sample: 1pmol/µl. )
- CeMIA sequencing service provides a range of Universal Primers at no charge to the customer.
Sequencing turn-around time
3-5 working days
International orders
No information
GLP DNA sequencing
No information
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
Contact Information
Address: CeMIA SA – Cellular and molecular immunological applications
31 Str. Markriyianni
41334 Larissa, Greece
Tel: +30 241 0614811
Cemia offers a Sanger sequencing service and NGS service. On their website, it is possible to download a presentation with a Sanger sequencing method description and a troubleshooting guide.
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