General Information
The research at the Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics spans from basic science to applied studies in close collaboration with industry. The CRAG is located at the campus of the “Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona” (UAB), in the town of Cerdanyola del Vallès, 20 kms from the city of Barcelona
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
Applied Biosystems 3730
DNA Sequencing Prices
No information
DNA Template Requirements
100 – 200 ng/µl in 10µl
< 500 bp 10 ng/µl in 10µl
500 – 1000 bp 20 ng/µl in 10µl
1000 -1500 bp 30 ng/µl in 10µl
1500 – 2000 bp 40 ng/µl in 10µl
> 2000 bp 50 ng/µl in 10µl
80 – 100 ng/µl o 10 µM l in 50µl
Sequencing turn-around time
2-3 days
International orders
No information
GLP DNA sequencing
No information
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Genotyping: microsatellites, SNaPshot, SNPs, SNPlex, AFLP
- Sequencing clean-up
- Quantification of nucleic acids
Contact Information
Phone: +34 935636600 Ext.3213
The DNA Capillary Sequencing Facility has provided support to researchers from public and private centers for more than twenty five years and has taken part in many national and international plant genome sequencing projects. They provide personalized service according to the user’s needs.
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