General Information
The Genomics Core serves the scientific community by providing a broad scale of services, utilizing current and emerging nucleic acid technologies. Within the Genetics department they have divisions focusing on molecular genetics, translational genetics and a center for epigenetics.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- ABI 3730
- Roche 454
- Illumina GAII
DNA Sequencing Prices
- Contact for prices
DNA Template Requirements
- Not Listed
PCR products
- Not Listed
- Not Listed
Sequencing Turn Around Times
- Not Listed
International orders
- Not Listed
GLP DNA sequencing
- Not Listed
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
As well as offering massive Parallel sequencing Albert Einstein College of Medicine has the ability to provide extensive informatics resources and advice through their Computational Genomics Core (CGC).
Contact Information
Department of Genetics
Price Center Room 413
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Bronx, NY 10461
Ph: 718 430 2824
Fax: 718 430 8778
There is little information posted on their website about their DNA sequencing service, however if you contact the department they are more than happy to provide you with details on submission of samples.
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