General information
BIOFACT is a bio-related brand that provides total solution from basic experiment to sophisticated analysis. BIOFACT provides all the tools in the laboratories from PCR enzymes to many diverse lab supplies which are manufactured through continuous development and innovative technology.
All the products of BIOFACT are used intensively in biotechnology, academic, microbiology, molecular diagnostics and national government projects in diverse applications. And the various analysis services of BIOFACT including sequencing, genotyping and cloning promises better result data and better convenience to the life science researchers in conjunction with its exceptional customized services.
Sequencing instruments used
ABI 3730XL
PCR Product, Plasmid
6,000 won/ reaction
4,000 won/ reaction | Re-analysis
BAC, Fosmid, Cosmid
15,000 won/ reaction
10,000 won/ reaction | Re-analysis
Full sequencing (primer walking)
50,000 won/ kb
Other services
PCR | 2,000 won/ sample
PCR purification | 1,500 won/ sample
Gel extraction | 2,000 won/ sample
Plasmid Prep | 1,500 won/sample
PCR & Sequencing | 9,500 won/ sample
Assembly | Blast search | PDF conversion | free of charge
Sample requirements
PCR product
100-200bp | 5 ng / µl | 10 µl total/rxn
200-500bp | 10 ng /µl | 10 µl total/rxn
500-1000bp | 20 ng /µl | 10 µl total/rxn
1000-2000bp | 20 ~ 40 ng /µl | 10 µl total/rxn
>2000bp | 50 ng /µl | 10 µl total/rxn
150 ng /µl | 10 µl total/rxn
Common universal primers are provided free
Custom primers | 5 µM/rxn , 5 pmol/µl
Contact staff:
Sample turn around time
Within 24 hrs from sample submission
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
No information
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
Customized service
Genotyping service
Microbial identification
Cloning service
Contact Information
Address: 2F 240 Expo St., (48-2 Wonchon-dong) Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
Website |
Staff | Justin Lee – email
Biofact has supplied not only a fast and accurate sanger sequencing but also a lot of services to meet all researchers’ needs. Please contact to Biofact staff for more information. The staff will friendly contact and answer all of your question asap.
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