General Information
The Genome Sciences Centre (GSC) is one of fifteen research programs that operate as part of the BC Cancer Research Centre. GSC provides services for cancer genetics, bioinformatics, LIMS, DNA sequencing, data analysis, genome mapping, gene expression profiling, proteomics and technology development.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3730xl
- Illumina HiSeq2000 & 2500
DNA Sequencing Prices
Not mentioned
DNA Template Requirements
Not provided
PCR products
Not provided
Not provided
Other information
The Genome Sciences Centre operates on a collaborative, cost-recovery basis.
Sequencing turn-around time
Not provided
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Not mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing
- Library Construction
- Bioinformatics
Contact Information
Diane Miller, Project Manager
Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency
Suite 100, 570 West 7th Ave
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4S6
Phone: +1 604 707 5808
Fax: +1 604 877 6085
As the one of the largest genomics centre in Canada, the GSC specializes in high-throughput and large-scale genome research. GSC has numerous research collaborations both locally and internationally with a primary focus on human cancers. Nor much information on their website about the prices and requirements.