General Information
GIGA is located within the University of Liege. The GIGA Genomics platform offers services from sequencing (conventional sequencing or high throughput) to analysis of gene expression.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3730
- Illumina HiSeq2000
- Roche 454 GS FLX
DNA Sequencing Prices
Run only
- GIGA | 2.42€ per sample
- ULg | 2.79€ per sample
- External academic | 4.00€ per sample
- External commercial | 7.00€ per sample
Sequencing reaction+run
- GIGA | 5.55€ per sample
- ULg | 6.06€ per sample
- External academic | 8.57€ per sample
- External commercial | 12.48€ per sample
DNA Template Requirements
Phage DNA
6-10 ng/µl
Plasmid DNA
40-50 ng/µl
100 ng/µl
PCR products
100-200 bp | 0.2 – 0.6 ng/µl
200-500 bp | 0.6 – 2 ng/µl
500-1000 bp | 1-4 ng/µl
1000-2000 bp | 2-8 ng/µl
> 2000 bp | 4-10 ng/µl
5 to 10 µM
Other information
The GIGA Genomics platform provides universal primers free of cost.
Sequencing turn-around time
2-3 days
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Not mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Library Preparation
- Genotyping
- Quantitative PCR
Contact Information
GIGA Genomics
Avenue de l’HÙpital, 1 (B34)
4000, Sart-Tilman
Phone: +32 4 366 43 59 | +32 4 366 41 58
Fax: +32 4 366 41 98
Service for the academic world and the local companies is available at an optimal cost. Quantification and dilution are not included in the price. Every run includes internal quality control samples. The results will be available on this server for 3 months.