General Information
Micromon is the commercial services unit of the Department of Microbiology, a member of the School of Biomedical Sciences at the Clayton campus of Monash University. It was established in the mid 1980’s as the Microbial Biotechnology and Diagnostic Unit. Micromon offers services and expertise in DNA, RNA and Microbial technologies.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3730
- Illumina NextSeq and MiSeq
DNA Sequencing Prices
Micromon offers a tiered pricing structure based on the client’s industry sector. Discounts are offered for full and half plate batches. Please contact Micromon directly for a quote.
DNA Template Requirements
- 300 ng (as a 200 ng/µl solution)
PCR products
- 100-200 bp | 5 ng
- 200-500 bp | 10 ng
- 500-1000 bp | 20 ng
- 1000-2000 bp | 40 ng
- 3-5 pmoles (as a 3-5 uM solution)
Other information
Micromon accept any type of DNA template for sequencing, including: Plasmid DNA, Bacterial Genomic DNA, PCR Product, Large DNA (eg BAC’s and Cosmids).
Sequencing turn-around time
- 6-24 hours for separation only
- 24- 48 hours for purification, reactions and separation
International orders
- Yes
GLP DNA sequencing
- Yes
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Microbial Testing
- Microarray scanning
- Bioinformatics
- Oligonucleotide synthesis (pipeline with Sanger sequencing)
- Acoustic-focussed shearing
- Bioanalyzer
Contact Information
15 Innovation Walk
Monash University
Clayton, Vic
Phone: 03 9905 4847 | 03 9905 8592 | 03 9905 4830
Fax: 03 9902 9222 | 03 9902 9222
Micromon specialises in long-read DNA Sequencing and Next-Generation Sequencing. Micromon maintains separate websites for Sanger and NGS sequencing. The facility generally provides read lengths in excess of 1,000 QV20+ bases for Sanger DNA sequencing. Micromon operates under a quality management system and is ISO 9001 certified.