General Information
The Nevada Genomics Center (NGC) is a core facility designed to aid researchers in the study of genes and their function. They provide timely and reliable service to small and medium size research laboratories.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems Prism 3730
- Ion Torrent Proton Sequencer
- Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine
DNA Sequencing Prices
NSHE users
- Full plate | $375.27
- Each sample with correct amount of DNA | $4.93
- Each sample (incorrect submission) $8.88
Non-NSHE users
- Full plate | $538.51
- Each sample with correct amount of DNA | $7.07
- Each sample (incorrect submission) | $12.74
DNA Template Requirements
- < 5kb | 250ng
- 5-10kb | 500ng
- 10-20kb | 1µg
BACs, cosmids, & fosmids
- 2-3µg
PCR products
- < 300bp | 8ng
- 300-800bp | 40ng
- 800-1200bp | 80ng
- >1200bp | Size divided by 10 (Max 500ng)
- Plasmids < 5kb & PCR products <1200bp | 1µL of 2pmol/µL (2µM)
- Plasmids > 5kb & PCR products > 1200bp |1µL of 10pmol/µL (10µM)
- BACs, cosmids, & fosmids | 1µL of 20pmol/µL (20µM)
Other information
NGC run a special chemistry and extended thermocycler program for all plasmids larger than 20kb, BACs, cosmids, and fosmids. There is an extra Big Dye charge for these samples ($4.35/sample).
Sequencing Turn-around Time
2-4 days
International orders
No information
GLP DNA sequencing
Not mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Fragment Analysis Processing
- Quantitative PCR
Contact Information
Nevada Genomics Center
University of Nevada, Reno
1664 North Virginia St.
Mail Stop 425
Reno, NV 89557-0425
Phone: +1 775 784 1657
Fax: +1 775 784 4586
Currently, the NGC provide services to more than 160 individual laboratories from across the United States and Puerto Rico. NGC provide sequencing service from single sample reactions to 10,000 samples EST projects. They are always happy to add new clients so feel free to contact them.
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