General Information
The DNA Core Lab was established at the Institute of Arctic Biology in 1995 at University of Alaska Fairbanks.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3100
- Applied Biosystems 3130xl
DNA Sequencing Prices
- 1.5 ml tubes (<16 samples only) | $4.00/sample
- 16, 32 or 48+ samples in 96-well plate | $3.00/sample
DNA Template Requirements
Plasmid 3 – 5 kb (vector + insert)
- 400-500 ng
Cosmid and BAC
- 0.5-1.0-µg
Bacterial genomic DNA
- 2-3 µg
PCR Products
- 100-200 bp | 1-3 ng
- 200-500 bp| 3-10 ng
- 500-1000 bp | 5-20 ng
- 1000-2000 bp| 10-40 ng
- >2000 bp | 20-50 ng
3.2 pmole
Other information
Users can purchase Big Dye from the Core facility for $85/100 ul or $650/800 ul, or they can purchase >10 (800 ul) tubes for $630/tube.
Sequencing turn-around time
Not mentioned
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Fragment Analysis
- Quantitative PCR
- Genotyping
Contact Information
DNA Core Facility
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Institute of Arctic Biology
909 N. Koyukuk Dr.
Room 207 West Ridge Research Building (WRRB)
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
Phone: +1 (907) 474-7336
Fax: +1 (907) 474-7307
These prices are ONLY for University of Alaska researchers. The facility does not provide service for outside researchers.