General Information
Genetic Analysis Services facility provides sequencing and genotyping services for clients within and beyond the University of Otago, New Zealand.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3730xl
DNA Sequencing Prices
- NZ$9.50 per sample
- NZ$864 per plate (96 well)
Capillary Separation Only
- NZ$5.50 per sample
- NZ$375 per plate
DNA Template Requirements
- 150ng
PCR Product
- 1ng/100bp
- 3.2pmol
Other information
Submission of Premixed Samples – Premix your template and primer in a total volume of 5µl.
Sequencing turn-around time
48 hours
International orders
International orders are accepted, but it’s best if customers contact the service before ordering.
GLP DNA sequencing
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Genotyping
Contact Information
Genetic Analysis Services at Otago
Department of Anatomy
Lindo Ferguson Building
270 Great King Street
Dunedin 9016
New Zealand
Phone: + 64 3 479 5283
Generate read lengths of up to 1300bp with at least 850bp being of very high quality. Results will be available on your website for 30 days. The facility will repeat sequencing reactions free of charge if an error occurs during handling of the sample.