General Information
The Core Laboratory for DNA Genotyping and Sequencing is part of the Estonian Biocentre and the UT Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology. They offer their services since 2006.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
One Applied Biosystems 3130xl
Two Applied Biosystems 3730xl
One Illumina NextSeq500
DNA Sequencing Prices
The core facility offers two types of service:
a) ready-to-load analysis of reactions
b) complete service (performing sequencing reactions, preparing and analysis of products)
A complete price list can be found on the website:
DNA Template Requirements
Please contact the facility
Sequencing turn-around time
From 24 hours to 4 working days, depends on the order
International orders
Accepted, please contact the facility for further information
GLP DNA sequencing
Please contact the facility
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Identify new DNA polymorphisms and mutations
- Fragment analysis
- Whole-genome genotyping
- Genotyping of the area requested by the customer
- Whole-genome gene expression analysis
- Gene expression analysis of genes requested by the customer
Contact Information
Estonian Biocentre core laboratory
Riia 23b-302
51010 Tartu, Estonia
Tel: 372 737 4020
As a standard service, cooperation partners are also offered ready-to-load analysis services.
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