General Information
The DNA Sequencing Core Facility is part of the Health Science Center at the University of Utah. It provides DNA Sequencing services to the University of Utah research community and off-campus researchers.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3730xl
- Ion Torrent PGM and Proton
- Qiagen Q24 Pyrosequencer
DNA Sequencing Prices
- Tubes | $8.00/ sample
- 96-Plate (32-69 samples) $6.50/ sample
- 96-Plate (70-95 samples) $5.00/ sample
- 4 Full 96-well plates | $1,350.00
- Tubes | $12.00/ sample
- 96-Plate (32-69 samples) $9.75/ sample
- 96-Plate (70-95 samples) $7.50/ sample
- 4 Full 96-well plates | $2,025.00
DNA Template Requirements
- 12kb or less | 600-1000 ng
PCR products
- 1kb or less | 50-30ng
- 1kb or more | 100-150ng
Large clones and BAC’s
- Only Ion Torrent Sequencing
- 5-10 pmoles
Other information
If submitting less than 32 samples then submit in tubes with caps. More than 32 samples submit in 96-well full plate with sealing film.
Sequencing Turn-around Time
24 hours
International orders
No information
GLP DNA sequencing
Not mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Pyrosequencing
- Primer walking
- Mutation Detection
Contact Information
DNA Sequencing Core Facility
School of Medicine
30 N. 1900 E., 5C124 SOM
Salt Lake City, Utah 84132
Phone: +1 801 581 2425
Fax: +1 801 585 6364
They generate high quality data with a fast turnaround time and competitive prices. They provide possible personal attention and support for DNA Sequencing activities. Next Generation Sequencing services such as gene sequencing, mitochondrial sequencing, bacterial genomes, and gene panels are available.
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