General Information
Lotterywest State Biomedical Facility Genomics at the University of Western Australia has been providing DNA sequencing service since 1994. The facility operates on a cost-recovery basis and provides service to the entire Western Australia scientific community. The facility was initially funded by grants from Lotterywest, NHMRC and UWA’s Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences. The Sanger Sequencing service has recently been relocated to the Fiona Stanley Hospital.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3730
- Applied Biosystems 3730xl
- Applied Biosystems 5500XL
- Roche Diagnostics GS-FLX Titanium
- Life Technologies SOLiD4
DNA Sequencing Prices
Contact facility for prices
DNA Template Requirements
- 200-500 ng
BACs, PACs, YACs, cosmids, and fosmids
- 0.5-1.0 µg
Genomic DNA
- 2-3 µg
Single-stranded DNA
- 50-100 ng
PCR products
- 50 to 1000bp | 0.02ng/µl/bp
- Greater than 1001bp | 50ng/µl
- Required concentration not stated
Other information
The facility provides standard universal primers free of charge
Sequencing turn-around time
Not mentioned
International orders
No information
GLP DNA sequencing
Not mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Next Generation Sequencing
- SNP Genotyping
- Expression Analysis
- Mutation Detection
Contact Information
Lotterywest State Biomedical Facility Genomics
Department of Clinical Immunology and Immunogenetics
Level 2 North Block,
Royal Perth Hospital,
GPO Box X2213 Perth,
Western Australia 6847
Phone: (+61 8) 9224 2899 | (+61 8) 9224 2899
Fax: (+61 8) 6488 9999
Fiona Stanley Hospital
General Enquiries: +61 8 6152 2222
Immunology department: +61 8 6152 8006
In 2010, the facility started next generation sequencing services with inclusion of state-of-the-art instruments. The facility provides genomics and genetics technologies for research, diagnostic testing and development purposes. Detailed information on sequencing problems and their solutions are provided on the website.