General Information
The Center for Integrated BioSystems (CIB) is multifaceted core facility for life science activities at Utah State University. CIB is dedicated to agricultural and environmental biotechnology research. The Genomics laboratory is a core facility that provides genomics services to on-campus investigators and external users.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- ABI PRISM(tm) 3730 DNA Analyzer
- 454 Life Science/Roche
DNA Sequencing Prices
- Running the sequencing reactions | $6.00/sample
- Purification of sequencing PCR reactions | ($3.00 /sample
- Loading only (ABI 3730) and sending data | $1.00 /sample
- Plasmid and PCR fragments >700 bp | $360 / plate (96 well)
- Plasmid and PCR fragments <700 bp | $312 / plate (96 well)
DNA Template Requirements
PCR product
- 100-200 bp |1 – 3 ng
- 200-500 bp | 3 – 10 ng
- 500-1000 bp | 5 – 20 ng
- 1000-2000 bp | 10 – 40 ng
- > 2000 bp | 20 – 50 ng
- 25 – 50 ng
- 150 – 300 ng
Cosmid, BAC
- 0.5 – 1.0 µl
Bacterial genomics DNA
- 2 – 3 µl
2 µM / reaction
Other information
Submit templates and primers in water. Excess template is returned to the user upon request.
Sequencing Turn-around Time
24 – 48 hours
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Not mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Fragment Analysis
- Genotyping
- Gene expression analysis
Contact Information
Genomic Core Laboratory
Ninglin Yin, Genomics Group Leader
USU Center for Integrated BioSystems
4700 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-4700
Phone: +1 435 797 8218
Fax: +1 435 797 2766
The genomics group offers high quality and fast turnaround on DNA sequencing services. Prices are very reasonable. The genomics group offers a variety of services including DNA sequencing, DNA genotyping, quantitative PCR, DNA array and next-generation sequencing.
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