General Information
The Advanced Genome Technologies Core is an overarching umbrella encompassing three distinct shared resource facility arms: The Vermont Cancer Center DNA Analysis, the Vermont Genetic Network Microarray, and the Vermont Cancer Center-College of Medicine Massively Parallel Sequencing Facilities. The facilities offer a wide breadth of services to facilitate research involving identification, quantification, and profiling of nucleic acids.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- ABI 3130
- ABI 3100
- Illumina HiSeq 1000
DNA Sequencing Prices
- Cycle Sequence Reaction | $2.56/reaction | $5.12/reaction (External)
- Sequence Run | $2.30/sample run | $4.60/sample run (External)
- Bulk Sequence (min 48 samples) | $2.94/sample | $5.88/sample (External)
DNA Template Requirements
Double strand plasmids
- 50 ng/µL
Single strand plasmids
- 25 ng/µL
BAC and gDNA
- 1µg/uL
PCR Product
- <200 bp | 5 ng/µL
- 200-500 bp | 5 ng/µL
- 500-1000 bp | 5 ng/µL
- >1000 bp | 5 ng/µL
- 2µM
Some universal primers are available at no charge.
Other information
Primers should have a 100% match with the target sequence. The primer should be at least 18 bases long with a Tm between 55 and 65, and a GC content of 50%.
Sequencing Turn Around Times
No information
International orders
No information
GLP DNA sequencing
Not Mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Fragment Analysis.
- Genotyping
- Human Cell Line Authentication
- Realtime qPCR
- Allelic Discrimination Assays
- Microarray Analysis
Contact Information
Health Science Research Facility
149 Beaumont Avenue
Burlington, VT 05405
Phone: +1 802 656 2557
Fax: +1 802 656 2140
The DNA Analysis Facility at the Vermont Cancer Center provides a wide array of efficient, user friendly and affordable DNA analysis services. The facility provides a variety of important benefits free of charge to users including experimental design consultation, data analysis and trouble shooting.
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