General Information
Based in Melbourne, this is a relatively new sequencing service in the area. VCGS offers a wide range of research and laboratory support services including Next Generation and Sanger Sequencing, microarray data provision with or without copy number and genotype analysis, as well as DNA extraction services.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- ABI3730
- Illumina HiSeq4000
- Illumina NextSeq500
- Illumina MiSeq
DNA Sequencing Prices
- Capillary Separation only of any batch size | $5.85
- BDT Clean up and Capillary Separation, batches of 1-46 | $7.50
- BDT Clean up and Capillary Separation, full batch of 47 | $6.40
- Purified DNA pre-mixed with primer, batch of 1-46 | $10.00
- Purified DNA pre-mixed with primer, full batch of 46 | $8.50
Prices are listed as valid up until 30th of June 2017. Includes GST.
DNA Template Requirements
Purified DNA and primer (Primer quantity: 10pmol (0.8 pmol/ul) or 1 ul of a 10 uM primer dilution) have to be submitted in a total volume of 15 ul. Use nuclease-free water if your DNA plus primer volume is less than 15 ul.
PCR Product | Template input amount for BigDye® reaction
- 100-200bp | 1-5ng
- 200-500bp | 5-15ng
- 500-1000bp | 5-25ng
- 1000-2000bp | 15-50ng
- >2000bp | 15-50ng
- ssDNA | 25-50ngds
- DNA | 150-300ng
- Cosmid, BAC | 500-1000ng
- Bacterial gDNA | 2000-3000ng
- Plasmid, single stranded | 150-500ng
- Plasmid, double stranded | 500-1500ng
Sequencing Turn Around Times
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
They provide development support for NGS-related sample QCs, library preparation, and sequencing as well as Ancillary instrumentation for sequencing library quantification and quality control (Bioanalyzer, TapeStation, Qubit, etc).
Contact Information
Victorian Clinical Genetics Services
TGU – Sequencing Service and Development Platform
The Victorian Clinical Genetics Services
The Royal Children’s Hospital
50 Flemington Road Parkville Victoria, 3051
Room: SL9.1.31 (South Building level 9)
Their website has a lot of useful information regarding the services they provide.
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