General Information
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, established in 1993, was founded to exploit DNA sequence in order to understand biology and disease. It is a non-profit organisation, primarily funded by the Wellcome Trust and run by the charity Genome Research Limited (GRL).
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
- Applied Biosystems 3730xl
- Illumina sequencer (model not mentioned)
- Roche 454 sequencer (model not mentioned)
DNA Sequencing Prices
No stated
DNA Template Requirements
- 1 mg for Eukaryotic genomes
- 0.5mg for Prokaryote genomes
No information
Other information
Wherever possible DNA should be prepared from a single individual or clonal population.
Sequencing turn-around time
Not metioned
International orders
No information
GLP DNA sequencing
Not mentioned
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Library Preparation
- Whole Genome Sequencing
Contact Information
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,
CB10 1SA
Phone: +44 (0)1223 834244
Fax: +44 (0)1223 494919
Email: |
Primary focus on Whole Genome Sequencing. All projects must comply with Sanger Institute data release policies. All external access is on a collaborative basis, and should have the involvement of a member of Sanger Institute Faculty.
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