General Information
Established in 1993, BaseClear specialize in offering a range of DNA sequencing and related services such as project sequencing, genotyping, oligonucleotide synthesis and DNA purification. BaseClear also offers a range of molecular biology kits and equipment. They are based in BioSciencePark of Leiden, the Netherlands.
Sequencing Instruments Used
ABI 3730 and ABI 3730XL
Sequencing Service Prices
Full 24 Hour DNA Sequence Service
Samples received before 10 am are returned to customers within 24 hours. Includes measurement of the template concentration and KB base calling.
Short Reads (~550 bases) | Contact BaseClear for current price.
Long Reads (~1100 bases) | Contact BaseClear for current price.
Quick Shot Sequencing service
Flexible service and competitive price. Template and primer can be submitted separately or premixed.
Short Quick Shot Short Reads (~550 bases) | Contact BaseClear for current price.
Quick Shot Long Reads (~1100 bases) | Contact BaseClear for current price.
Prepaid barcode sequencing
Most cost-effective offer. Template and primers should be submitted premixed in tubes labelled with barcode stickers. Single reactions run up to 1100 bases.
Direct genomic sequencing service
Sequencing directly from genomic bacterial DNA (submission of petridish or purified DNA). Maximum genome size is 6MB and read length is up to 1000 bases.
Purified Template Sample Requirements
Purified plasmids
50-200 ng/µl minimum volume of 30 µl
Primervolume >20 µl for max 10 reactions
Raw or purified PCR products
Minimum concentration of 5 ng/µl in minimum volume of 30µl
Primervolume >20 µl for max 10 reactions
Premixed Plasmid and primer
0,75 µg plasmid DNA mixed with 25 pmol of primer in a total volume of 20 µl
Premixed PCR product and primer
15 ng per 100 bp PCR product with 25 pmol of primer in a total volume of 20 µl
All purified templates must be delivered in water or 10mM Tris (pH 8). Samples should be free of EDTA and/or ethanol.
Sample turn around time
24 – 48 hours depending on service
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
GMP and ISO17025 compliant methods
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- Project sequencing
- Next generation sequencing services
- High-throughput sequencing
- Genome sequencing
- DNA/RNA purification
- DNA synthesis
- Gene library construction
- Molecular typing of microorganisms
- Genotyping and SNP analysis
- Primer walking sequencing
- Oligonucleotide sequencing
Contact Information
BaseClear – Street Address
Einsteinweg 5
The Netherlands
BaseClear – Mail Address
P.O. Box 1336
The Netherlands
ph.+31 (0)71 523 3917
fax. +31 (0)71 523 5594
BaseClear have are no prices on their website, but they offer a free trial to new customers. BaseClear is quite large (over 50 employees) and professional. Their full-service sequencing reaction offers a range of features (template concentration checking, a re-run of failed reactions) that would be helpful for people inexperienced with DNA sequencing. A nice clean website design too which is nice to see.
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