General Information
DNAmind Ltd is a DNA and Genotyping specialist service company based in Reading, UK.
Sequencing Instruments Used
Applied Biosystems 3730 and 3700 capillary sequencers
Sequencing Prices
Ready to run (electrophoresis only)
£0.80 per sample
Full service DNA sequencing
£3.00 per sample. Customer must supply template and primer.
Large scale DNA sequencing (ready to run)
96 well plate £50.00. This offer is only valid until 20th December 2006.
Samples must be supplied 96 well trays compatible with ABI sequencer.
Sample requirements
ds Plasmids
100 – 400 ng/µl | 10 µl minimum
ss Plasmids
50 – 200 ng/µl | 10 µl minimum
PCR products
40 – 80ng/µl | 10 µl minimum
3.2 pmol/µl |10 µl
Sample turn around time
24 hours
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Other DNA sequencing services offered
- Genotyping
- Primer walking
- SNPO discovery
- cDNA library sequencing
Contact Information
DNAmind Ltd
5 Jupiter House
Calleva Park, Aldermaston
Reading, Berksire RG7 8NN
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 070 0341 8604
Fax: +44 070 0341 8607
DNAmind appear to be a very new company but are offering amazing prices on their ready to run service – £50 for a full 96 tray is just about giving away the service. Even the single sample at 80p is extremely good value. In addition, DNAmind also offer a free chromatogram editing program called ChromEd.
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