General information
IMGM Laboratories offer a wide range of molecular biology services in addition to DNA sequencing services including: molecular genetics, immunogenetics, cytogenetics, Microsatellite Analyses, Pharmacogenomics and Bioinformatics.
IMGM was spun out of the Department for Clinical Chemistry at the University Hospital of Munich in 2001. IMGM Laboratories is located at the Martinsried biotech campus near to Munich, Germany.
DNA Sequencing Instruments Used
ABI 3730 (48 Capillary machine)
DNA Sequencing prices
Ready to run (electrophoresis only)
€4.50 per sample (as of 2008)
Full service DNA sequencing
€8.50 per sample (as of 2008)
Large scale 96 well plate DNA sequencing (ready to run)
€432.00 (as of 2008)
Large scale 96 well plate DNA sequencing (full service)
€816.00 (as of 2008)
DNA Template requirements
200 – 700 ng/µl | 0.5 µg minimum
PCR products
Not stated
Not stated
The most common universal primers (M13 forward, M13 reverse, T3, T7, BGH reverse and SP6) are provided free
Other Information
DNA templates should be supplied in either water or 10mM Tris.
Sequencing turn around times
Under 24 – 48 hours
International Orders
GLP DNA Sequencing
Accredited under ISO 17025, GLP and GCP compliant
Other DNA Sequencing related services offered
- DNA sequence and SNP analyses of disease related genes
- Chromosome analyses
- High resolution HLA typing
- Pharmacogenetic/nutrigenetic services
- Gene expression analyses using microarray and qPCR technologies
Contact Information
IMGM Laboratories GmbH
Bunsenstr. 7a
82152 Martinsried
Phone: (+49) 89 8955 7840
IMGM Laboratories do not wish to provide updated pricing information for their service. I think this is short sighted as they previously provided this information – all this does is create an extra barrier for them acquiring new customers.
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