General information
Alpha BioLaboratory specialize in DNA sequencing services. Alpha Biolabs are based in Burlingame, California.
DNA Sequencing instruments used
ABI 3730xl
DNA Sequencing prices
Ready to run (electrophoresis only)
$3 per sample
Full service DNA sequencing
$8 per sample
Large scale 96 well plate DNA sequencing
$576 | $6 per sample
BAC DNA sequencing
$15 per sample
G+C Rich (>65%) template DNA sequencing
Three separate GC rich protocols performed on each difficult template.
$15 per sample if successful | $10 per sample if all three methods fail
DNA Template requirements
100 – 500 ng/µl | 1.5 – 2 µg minimum
PCR products
20 ng/µl | 10 ng per 100 bases | 10 µl minimum
10 pmol/µl | 20 µl minimum
The most common universal primers (M13 forward, M13 reverse, T3, T7, BGH reverse and SP6) are provided free
Other information
DNA templates should be supplied in either water or 10mM Tris. It is recommended that the DNA be quantified by gel electrophoresis.
Sequencing turn around times
Under 24 – 48 hours
International orders
GLP DNA sequencing
Other DNA sequencing related services offered
- High G+C DNA sequencing
- BAC sequencing
Contact Information
Alpha BioLaboratory, Inc
19630 Allendale Ave. #3656
Saratoga CA 95070
Phone: (650) 235 5636
Fax: (650) 989 4061
Alpha Biolab’s high G+C sequencing service looks very interesting if you have very difficult templates to sequence. They have put up some example traces of difficult templates that their special dilution buffer (SEQlixir) is able to read through – quite impressive.
The ready to run prices are also excellent at only $3 a sample. Alpha Biolabs also offer a free pick up service for local orders.
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