We have released Auto PeakTrace RP 6.30. This is a major update with two new features – extra baseline and secondary noise peaks. These two setting can improve the appearance of the traces and help to better match the appearance of PeakTrace basecalled traces to that obtained from the KB Basecaller. These new features are explained in the user help manual, but we will also be writing in depth articles on each of these new features. The full list of changes include.
- New Feature. Extra baseline option for improved appearance of trace files.
- New Feature. Secondary noise peak option to add peak noise to the traces.
- Unsupported run types now output .seq and .phd.1 files based on the KB sequence if these file types are requested.
- The logfile now records the local time rather than the server time of processing.
- Further improvements to increase the robustness of the software on very fast networks.
- Additional check that the archive folder can be created when using the archive traces option.
- Improved handling of traces processing when manually starting and stopping processing.
- If the n base threshold is set to 1 or 0 and the fuse basecall value is greater than 0, then any N bases from the original KB sequence will be basecalled.
- Upgrade of 7za to 15.14.
- Bug fixes and other enhancements.
This PeakTrace RP release can be downloaded as per usual from the PeakTrace RP Downloads page for both MacOS X (10.6+) and Windows (XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10). It will be also be available via the in-app update function in a few days. If you do not have the password to access the downloads page please contact us @ {This email is obscured. Your must have javascript enabled to see it}.
If you are not a user of Auto PeakTrace RP 6 then please visit the Auto PeakTrace 6 RP registration page.