We have released a easy-to-use graphical version of QualTrace designed for small to medium sized DNA sequencing users.
Free online version of QualTrace DNA sequencing QC software launched
We have created an online version of our QualTrace software to allow users to test the system on their own trace. To see what QualTrace analysis can do for your sequencing processes please visit our QualTrace Online page.
QualTrace™ 1.2 DNA sequencing software released
Nucleics announces the release of the QualTrace 1.2 DNA sequencing trace analysis software. QualTrace provides real-time detection of production failures that limit the read length of DNA sequencing traces. It is compatibility with both the ABI KB base caller and ABI 3XX base callers on the ABI3730 and 3730xl DNA sequencers.
The QualTrace 1.2 update identifies nine major problems commonly encounter during DNA sequencing. New features in this software version include the ability to detect excess leftover BigDye™ (dye blobs), a new “excellent” trace type, an updated log file, and the ability to analysis multiple DNA sequencing trace sub folders.
For further information please visit the QualTrace DNA sequencing trace analysis software page.