We have a new phone number (613) 9016 9373.
Auto QualTrace 2.80 Released
An update to the QualTrace QC software that provides addition information on traces quality. To trial QualTrace please visit our QualTrace sequencing trial page.
PeakTrace 4.10 Released
We have released a new version of out PeakTrace Basecalling software. This version offers improved basecalling of the first 40 bases through the use of trace fusion. The feature fuses the 5′-end basecalled peaks from KB with the improved basecalling of PeakTrace at the 3′-end of the trace. This also improves the basecalling of through dyeblob peaks.
PeakTrace Mini released
We have released a new version of our PeakTrace system designed for small scale users (under 1000 traces per month). This system comes in three scales: PeakTrace Mini 500, PeakTrace Mini 1000 and PeakTrace Mini 2000 with the ability to process 500, 1000 or 2000 traces per month, respectively. This system is suitable for those users which for data confidentiality reason do not wish to use the our PeakTrace FTP service. For more details on the PeakTrace Mini Systems please see our main PeakTrace:Box page.
PeakTrace 3.4 Released
We have released an updated version of PeakTrace which now supports more run conditions including beta support of the Biostation sequencer and better support for the ET terminator chemistry on ABI instruments.
PeakTrace 3.0 released
We have released PeakTrace 3.0. Apart from the usual bug fixes, the big news with this release is support for rapid run (high voltage) and support for more sequencing instruments and run conditions. If you have tried PeakTrace before and your run condition was not supported then you may wish to try it again.
LongTrace 3.3 released
We have released an update for LongTrace that offers improved basecalling and support for the ABI 3100 sequencer (POP7 only).
PeakTrace 2.4 released
We have released PeakTrace 2.4 DNA sequencing software. This version offer support for more ABI 310 and 3100 run conditions as well as improved basecalling and lower error rates. In addition, more traces with weak signal are able to be basecalled by PeakTrace.
Price of LongTrace FTP service reduced
We have reduced the price of our LongTrace FTP-based service by 20 to 35%. This has been achieved by the recent changes we have made to our processing infrastructure that have reduced our costs which we have passed on to our customers. The cost of the FTP online processing size is now ranges from 12 to 25 cents per improved trace.
LongTrace 1.1 upgrade released
We have released a major upgrade of the LongTrace DNA sequencing system. This upgrade offers improved read lengths, better basecalling at the 5′ end (front) of the trace, and support for the ABI 3700 DNA sequencer.