Auto PeakTrace 6.80 Options Window
We have released an major feature release for Auto PeakTrace and PeakTrace (6.80). The full list of changes and improvements include:
New Feature. Auto PeakTrace 6 can be used as a command line program.
Improvements to fuse basecall and fuse trace with difficult sequences.
Improvement of the basecalling of “drop out” peaks.
Improvements to extra normalization of PCR product traces.
Other bug fixes and enhancements.
The major change of this release is that Auto PeakTrace 6 can now be used from the command line. This allows the easy integration of Auto PeakTrace 6 into various LIMS scripts. The use of Auto PeakTrace over the standalone command line peaktrace.exe program makes it possible to set the input to be a directory rather than individual .ab1 files, as well as take advantage of multi-core systems making data processing up to 24x faster.
If Auto PeakTrace 6 is used from the command line with no options it will use the settings (including the input and output directories) saved from the last use of Auto PeakTrace 6. The saved settings can be overwritten by the use of command line switches. If no switch value is provided for a setting then value in the save setting file will be used. Settings that are changed via the command line update the setting file for future runs of Auto PeakTrace 6.
It is recommend that if you wish to use Auto PeakTrace 6 in a command line script that you first contact Nucleics @ {This email is obscured. Your must have javascript enabled to see it} or your local supplier for advice.
Auto PeakTrace 6.80 can be downloaded from the PeakTrace:Box Downloads page. If you do not have the password to access the PeakTrace:Box Downloads page please contact us @ {This email is obscured. Your must have javascript enabled to see it} or contact your local supplier for the update. The command line PeakTrace 6.80 for Windows and Linux is also available on the update pages.
This update is a recommended update for all users of the PeakTrace:Box System. For user of Auto PeakTrace RP an update will be released shortly.